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A gorgeous slice of power pop

Dynamite Walls
Dynamite Walls
By Dynamite Walls

Self-released: 2006

Buy it now

This review first appeared in the November 30, 2006 issue of the North County Times.

Guitar-based power-pop with luscious vocal harmonies, the debut four-song EP from the San Diego five-piece combo Dynamite Walls has the kind of immediate familiarity that makes it seem that surely you've heard these songs before.

The first two songs, "Kiss and Ride" and "Seasons," are both near-perfect examples of what a pop song should be: Slowly building theme with muffled guitar and synth chords behind the thickly harmonized vocals, both riding a catchy melody up to the refrain. They're the sorts of songs that get stuck in your head days on end, the kinds of songs that have been making the Top 40 charts for the last couple of generations.

The third song, "Now," isn't nearly as strong, while the last song, "Bright Lights," opens with a fun little blues riff on acoustic guitar before resolving itself into a slowed-down rock ballad.

Only four songs for the band's first release – but the strength of the first two is such that it could well lead to a full-length release in 2007.