Weird and fun
The new record from hard-charging San Diego power trio Firethorn is a cross between classic and speed metal and campy rock weirdness a la Devo or early Cheap Trick. Whether conscious decision or split musical personality, the result is often charming although equally often confusing. Bassist Sean Myott and drummer Habieb create as driving a rock beat as you'll find it's metal at heart, but with touches of punk anarchy. The Inevitable Mr. Chris (really) plays guitar and sings, and it's here that the elements of weirdness show up as well as much of the CD's fun. Irreverent often bordering on obscene, Chris' lyrics are equal parts in-your-face social defiance and clever word play. As far as his singing voice goes, it's serviceable although no one is going to confuse him with Johnny Mathis. Firethorn's sound is rough at the edges, but they play all 11 songs with tremendous energy and a true rock 'n' roll sense of abandon. Tough to pigeonhole, it's a fun listen. |