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A disarming charm

Souls of Passing Feet
Souls of Passing Feet
By Greg Friedman

Populuxe Records: 2007

Buy it now

This review first appeared in the January 25, 2007 issue of the North County Times.

San Diego singer-songwriter Greg Friedman (a member of the Truckee Brothers) writes songs of a disarming charm that only grows each time you listen to his new CD.

With a low-key, almost deadpan delivery, he reminds a bit of what alt-art rockers Cake might have been like if they were an acoustic folk combo. Irony and dark humor abound, but Friedman's singing isn't morose – it's not sunny, either; instead, it's got a kind of neutrality about it, like Paul McCartney's lead vocal on the Beatles' "Blackbird."

Friedman has an attractive singing voice, which makes his relaxed delivery all the more effective at bringing out the little twists and turns of his lyrics.

The dozen songs – all written by Friedman – are built around pleasant melodies. He backs himself with a variety of strummed string instruments (guitar, dobro, banjo) plus accordion and keyboards. A few guests sit in on a track here or there, or provide harmony vocals. So there is a very full sound, yet it stays very clean and straight-forward.