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Impossible to not like

Gin Piston
Gin Piston
By Gin Piston

Self-released: 2006

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This review first appeared in the November 30, 2006 issue of the North County Times.

Playing old-school heavy blues, Oceanside's Gin Piston sounds like a band caught in a time warp from 1973 and transported to the present. Humble Pie and Wishbone Ash, Uriah Heep and the Rolling Stones – the eight songs on the band's debut CD all contain varying measures of the above influences.

The sound here is all electric guitars and crashing drums, driving bass beats and world-weary vocals – with a little harmonica thrown in for spice. The songs are straightforward rock and rock-boogie numbers, with catchy melodies and some nice guitar riffs.

If not the most original sound on Earth, on their album Gin Piston plays with a winning combination of energy, skill and enthusiasm that makes it impossible to not like their music.