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Guitar, meet voice

Based on a True Story
Based on a True Story
By Podunk Nowhere

Self-released: 2008

This review first appeared in the January 8, 2009 issue of the North County Times.

Back with a more filled-out sound than on their 2007 debut, husband-wife duo of Heather Marie and Johnny Janiga still have that tremendous musical empathy that made their self-titled first disc such a delight.

"Before You Go ...," the opening track, may be the best distillation of what makes this pair work together so well. Johnny's guitar lays down a '70s-style folk-rock groove, while Heather's deep, rich voice carries the gorgeous melody.

On the other eight tracks, they meld folk, country, rock, blues and jazz into their own update on the '70s Southern California country-rock sound. Framing Heather's confident singing with a full band that loses nothing of the relaxed swing on their more acoustically oriented debut, Podunk Nowhere has turned in a stellar sophomore effort.