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Glam rock for a new millennium

Another Planet
Another Planet
By So Long Davey!

Self-released: 2008

Buy it on CD now from

This review first appeared in the May 8, 2008 issue of the North County Times.

Fronted by San Diego rock singer David Vaughn (whose solo CD, "Wired," we reviewed last May), So Long Davey! is a light-hearted hard-rocking combo whose four-song debut EP shows a band with presence, musicianship and a sense of fun.

Vaughn, whose Ohio-Players-styled afro is the size of a small car, retains the strutting, larger-than-life theatricality that marked his solo album. But guitarist James Austin brings a bit of a harder edge to the music of So Long Davey! than was found on Vaughn's disc. The rhythm section of Garrett Gallagher (bass) and Michael Buehl (drums) is solid, with a limber approach that ranges from a vintage heavy metal to contemporary alternative, all with a touch of glam rock.

All four songs are accessible with nice melodies – seeing as all four are also co-written by Vaughn and Austin, it offers a promising glimpse of a band that while still new possesses some real potential.