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Smooth sounds

Laws of Groovity
Laws of Groovity
By Patrick Yandall

Zangi Records: 2008

This review first appeared in the April 3, 2008 issue of the North County Times.

After last year's foray into the blues with "New York Blues," San Diego guitarist Patrick Yandall returns to the smooth jazz he's made his local reputation on. As solid as Fattburger's best work, "Laws of Groovity" leans more toward the funk and R&B side of the smooth jazz equation, with several of the even dozen tracks here easily able to serve as dance music.

Yandall's guitar playing has a warm glow to it, not so far from George Benson's sound. Impressively, he also plays the bass, key and percussion tracks on this album — while still capturing the loose feel of a live band interacting with one another. He wrote 10 of the dozen songs, showing a nice touch at composition, too. All in all, an extremely listenable set of instrumental music.